The Consumer Disputes Board

The Consumer Disputes BoardAs from the 11th of January 2016 consumers have the possibility to get a dispute tried by the Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board (swe. Advokatsamfundets konsumenttvistnämnd), an authorized committee for alternative dispute resolution in accordance with the Act (2015: 671) on alternative dispute resolution in consumer relations.

For more information regarding the Consumer Disputes Board please visit address: Box 27321, 102 54 StockholmE-mail: [email protected]: +46 (0)8-459 03 00European Commission’s online platform for online dispute resolutionThe

European Commission has set up an online platform for alternative dispute resolution where you as a consumer can turn to get your dispute tried online if you have a complaint about a product or service that you purchased online. The Swedish Bar Association’s Consumer Disputes Board is connected to the platform.